Open year round & closed below 60°F
Open year round & closed below 60°F
Since 2011 best rental rates in Austin!
Paddleboards are designed for one person. We make exceptions for small children, animals, and those unable to paddle solo.
Our boards are rated for up to 400 lbs. We have various boards from 12', 11'6", 10', and 12'6 x 26 - 28 raceboards. Raceboard rentals must have prior experience and approval from one of our staff.
Our general kayaks are rated for up to 275lbs and fishing kayaks up to 325lbs
Priced per person. Our doubles are rated for up to 550lbs
Our paddle 10 punch card is good for 10 1-hour or 5-day paddles any day of the week during open hours. Purchasable at the dock.
Please note our old cards have "paddle 9" and will still be valid as "paddle 10."
Day Rentals Provide 'In/Out' Privileges: Paddle for as long as you want, come back to the dock, grab some lunch, take a break, and then get back on the water for some more paddling without having to pay again (non-transferable)
EpicSUP, 2200 S Lakeshore Blvd, Austin, Texas 78741, United States
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